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2024-12-14 06:30:43

A shares: Will it go up or down tomorrow? Trend analysis on Wednesday!Phenomenon 1, found no, A shares have lasted for 50 trading days, and the turnover has exceeded one trillion yuan. Today's turnover is 2.2 trillion yuan.Will it go up or down tomorrow? Trend analysis on Wednesday!

In stock trading, don't chase after the A-shares opened higher because of good news, and don't lose confidence in the following trend because the stock market opened higher and went lower. Investment is a marathon. If the trend is still on the rise, whether it is going high or low in the short term, or falling again, it will be enough to rise later.It is expected that tomorrow will be an upward trend, but it is likely to be a shock closing. Wednesday is after Tuesday's high opening and low going, and the competition for long and short positions will become more intense.According to statistics, after the surge at the end of September, up to now, there are nearly 4900 stocks that have risen by more than 10%. If calculated in October, there are 2,707 stocks that have risen by more than 10%. In addition, 4,059 stocks have risen since October.

In stock trading, don't chase after the A-shares opened higher because of good news, and don't lose confidence in the following trend because the stock market opened higher and went lower. Investment is a marathon. If the trend is still on the rise, whether it is going high or low in the short term, or falling again, it will be enough to rise later.Will it go up or down tomorrow? Trend analysis on Wednesday!Although it is likely to make the short-term surge, long and short will continue to compete for direction tomorrow. However, when the turnover reached the longest record in history, A-shares fell behind, and will still rise back at an accelerated pace.

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